Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 8 Readings


“HTML Tutorial.” (n.d.). W3Schools. Retrieved from

Overall, the document “HTML Tutorial” (n.d.) provided straightforward information on using HTML. A lot of it was new and unfamiliar. For example, under the chapter “HTML Editors,” the tutorial recommends different HTML editors for editing HTML – even going so far as to suggest that utilizing a basic text editor would help new users learn about HTML (“HTML Tutorial,” n.d., under “HTML Editors”). I did not know that such editors existed or that anyone would need it. In retrospect, though, it would make writing HTML more quick and efficient. I do wonder if their claim would work, however. It would depend on the user; some people can learn more easily with firsthand experience while others might need a more human guide in learning HTML.
There were some parts, though, I want to know more details about. In the introduction, the document states that HTML tags and HTML elements usually describe the same things, “but strictly speaking, an HTML element is everything between the start tag and the end tag, including the tags” (“HTML Tutorial,” n.d., under “Introduction”). Usually with the phrase “but strictly speaking,” a person means an opposite idea; in this case, it implies that although the tags and elements are used in the same way, they aren’t the same nor act in the same way. What’s confusing me is what the difference is. The description above for HTML tags describe the exact same thing (ibid.). So is there a difference? Should there be a difference? Additionally, I understand the basic idea for why the tutorial recommends using lower case attributes/attribute values since they are case-sensitive (ibid., under “HTML Attributes”) but I feel like there is more to it than that. If I understood the logistics better, I probably would know why lower case is used instead of upper case – such knowledge would hopefully clear things up a little. But why one over the other? If both can theoretically work, then maybe including both can expand the list of attributes to encompass new kinds or maybe help organize the ones in existence.

“HTML Cheatsheet Guide.” (2008). Retrieved from

            The guide “HTML Cheatsheet Guide” (2008) seems like it would be suitable for a quick reference. It provides tags and their descriptions for a lot of the most basic HTML a person might have to do, such as creating a HTML document with <html></html> (“HTML Cheatsheet Guide, 2008, under “Basic Tags”) or forming new paragraphs with <p></p> (ibid., under “Formatting). I’ve never had to use HTML like this before, so I cannot say for sure if the guide covers all of the basic tags or elements a user would necessarily need. From what I can interpret, though, it accomplishes its goals.
            If I ever had to create a HTML document by using HTML tags, I would like to experiment with the tags offered. I would need to get the basics down first, but the later sections – “Forms,” Graphical Elements,” and “Links” – would prove a good basic challenge. What would be the most interesting to try is the tags for creating Submit buttons (“HTML Cheatsheet Guide, 2008, under “Forms”) and adding images and their descriptions (ibid., under “Graphical Elements). The former seems a little more complicated than the other more straight-forward tags provided and the later would be fun to learn, especially since it would be helpful in the future to have an option in adding pictures to a document.

Pratter, F. E. (2011). “Introduction to HTML,” Chapter 2 of Web Development with SAS by Example. Retrieved from

            Reading this chapter helped answer some of my questions that I posed in the “HTML Tutorial.” For example, concerning lower vs upper case, F. E. Pratter (2011) notes that HTML 4.0 tags aren’t case sensitive but standard requires lower case (20). While this does not answer why lower case is preferred, it does elaborate on the background for my questions. However, it disagrees somewhat with the other readings. Apparently professional Web developers prefer to write HTML from its roots by employing text editors such as Notepad or KEDIT (Pratter, 2011, 16) – this questions somewhat the recommendation of “HTML Tutorial” that a basic editor would help beginners learn HTML (“HTML Tutorial,” n.d., under “HTML Editors”). Based on the context, they might be both wrong and right; some text editors would be basic enough for a novice to use and learn from, while there are more advanced versions for the professionals. It seems kind of strange that Pratter does not acknowledge the types of editors available based on expertise, or categorize them by some sort of evaluation. In this regard, the “HTML Tutorial” at least implies a difference even though it does not state it explicitly. This might have to do with the type of audiences they each target; both introduce users to HTML, but whereas the “HTML Tutorial” seems more like shorthand notes – noting differences and steps – the other is focused on explanations.

Goans, D., G. Leach, and T. M. Vogel. (2006). “Beyond HTML: Developing and re-imagining library web guides in a content management system.” Library Hi Tech 24(1): 29-53. DOI:10.1108/0737883061065209.

            The article overall provides a good analysis of web guides. In particular, D. Goans and his fellow writers’ (2006) look at what content is in a CMS was interesting. They note that “content” consists of a broad spectrum of forms depending on the organization, usually including resource links, webpages, image files, PDFs, PowerPoint presentations, and Word documents (Goans, Leach, and Vogel, 2006, 31-2). As such, there is no standard to what “content” is. It can include a wide variety of types of information as long as it is part of the CMS. Additionally, the content itself “is disconnected from the layout and design elements of the page” (ibid., 31). It makes sense; the content is the information itself and permanent while the layout and design elements can change. However, this can’t be entirely true. While the two can be separate, the content and layout and design elements do depend on each other to transfer knowledge. Layout and design elements also determine the appearance of the content, influencing how a user interprets the information, so the two are interconnected.
            Reading the article also offers a inside look into the development and consideration of web guides, which was informative. For example, the explanation of how they decided on the solutions to their problem – whether through commercial software such as Dreamweaver (Goans, Leach, and Vogel, 2006, 33), open source web site systems or “Frankensteining” products together (ibid., 34), or introducing an in-house web development project (ibid., 34) – supplied not only information on what options are out there for institutions in similar situations, but also gives an idea of how library management works, evaluating and determining options as a group.

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